
Addiction Treatment

Behavioral Health & Psychotherapy located in Lexington and Richmond, KY

Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatment services offered in Lexington and Richmond, KY

If you’re ready to break free from an opioid or alcohol addiction and want to detox without needing an inpatient program, it’s time to talk with the team at DeNova about addiction treatment. They have extensive experience using medication-assisted treatment (MAT), prescribing medications that stop your cravings and withdrawal symptoms while providing ongoing therapy that supports your long-term recovery. To schedule a same- or next-day appointment, call the office in Lexington, Winchester, or Richmond, Kentucky, or request an in-person or telehealth appointment online today.

What is addiction treatment?

Addiction treatment supports your detox and long-term recovery with medication-assisted management (MAT), an approach that combines medication and therapy.

DeNova uses medications approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for outpatient addiction management. With supervised MAT, you can break an addiction without needing inpatient treatment.

What substance use disorders does addiction management treat?

Addiction management with MAT can treat any substance use disorder with detox medications approved by the FDA for outpatient programs. However, the current medications allow DeNova to treat:

Opioid use disorder

The team at DeNova treats addictions to any opioid, whether legal or illegal. They prescribe a medication, such as Suboxone® and Vivitol®, that eliminates cravings and withdrawal symptoms and rebalances your brain chemistry.

Alcohol use disorder

The FDA has approved several medications for outpatient treatment, including acamprosate, naltrexone, and disulfiram. Your provider prescribes naltrexone for the detox; the others support your recovery.

What should I expect during addiction treatment?

You take your first dose of medication in the office, where your DeNova provider closely monitors your response and ensures you have the correct dose for your detox.

You keep taking medication at home, with frequent follow-up appointments. During the detox phase, you should call DeNova if you have cravings or withdrawal symptoms. They can change your dose to keep you comfortable.

After your cravings stop, your provider adjusts your dose or prescribes a different medication to support your early recovery. When you and your provider decide you’re ready, they slowly taper down your doses to stop the medication.

Why does addiction treatment include therapy?

Counseling has an essential role in long-lasting, successful recovery. Therapy helps you identify and change the things that tempt you to use drugs or alcohol.

You can also learn a wide range of skills that support your long-term success, from changing habits and learning communication skills to job placement cognitive behavioral therapy.

Are digital therapeutics used in addiction treatment?

DeNova uses digital therapeutics, today’s most advanced technology for real-time monitoring of your treatment and progress. You download the program to your smartphone or tablet. 

The software provides information about your treatment and allows you to report cravings, triggers, or a relapse. Your information goes to an in-office computer, allowing your provider to reach out and help when needed.

If you’re ready to break free from an addiction, call DeNova, or request an appointment online today.